What geographies and sectors are covered within your database?
First, the distribution of the three privateMetrics universes according to each PECCS® pillar in 2024 is shown. The Broad Market Universe constitutes over 900k companies, and includes all priced companies in privateMetrics. The PE Universe that resembles the typical PE transacted companies in terms of their size and profit profiles, has over 175k companies in 2024 in privateMetrics. The Market Index Universe that includes the largest companies in each sector and country comprise of 2k companies since 2013.

privateMetrics Universes Distribution
Next, the 2024 country-wise distribution of the Market Index Universe is shown. The index selection considers the economic importance of each country and PECCS® activity, resulting in the US having the highest weight in the index.

Geographic Distribution of Market Index Universe
While transaction data in private markets are sparse and biased with hot and cold periods of market activity and fund-level reported data (e.g., Burgiss) is selective and biased due to reporting preferences, we nevertheless compare our universe distribution with these two sources below. The distribution of the Market Index Universe vis-à-vis the PE market transactions in the previous 10 years is shown according to PECCS® pillars.

Comparison with PE Transaction Data
Finally, the industry-wise distribution of the Market Index Universe is shown in tandem with the Burgiss Universe of PE holdings as of 2022.

Comparison with PE Holdings Data