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PECCS Trademark guidelines, usage, and attribution policy

Trademark guidelines

These Guidelines detail the rules generally for anyone who wants to use the PECCS® standard, an Association EDHEC Business School, Singapore Branch (“EDHEC”) brand asset, in conjunction with the Creative Commons license grant.

EDHEC makes the PECCS® standard available under an open-source license. Because we make it available in this way, it is important to ensure proper and consistent use of our trademarks. Accordingly, when using EDHEC trademarks you must comply with these EDHEC Trademark Guidelines.

By using any of the EDHEC’s brand materials, you agree to abide by the EDHEC Terms of Service, these Trademark Guidelines and all other EDHEC rules and policies, as updated from time to time. You also acknowledge that EDHEC is the sole owner of the applicable trademarks, promise not to interfere with EDHEC’s rights in them, and acknowledge that goodwill derived from their use accrues only to EDHEC. EDHEC may review the use of the branding materials at any time and reserves the right to terminate or modify any such use.

You may not use EDHEC’s name, logos, or Trademarks in ways that may be confusing or misleading. You also may not use any of our brand materials as part of your company or service name, website name, trade name, or product name, or incorporate our logo onto yours. You may not modify, abbreviate, or combine EDHEC’s trademarks with any other symbols, words, or images, or incorporate them into a tagline or slogan.

By using the EDHEC Trademarks as authorized by these Guidelines, you agree that you will not attempt to claim or assert any ownership rights in any mark of EDHEC as a trademark, trade name, domain name, or “doing business as” name, alone or (unless specifically licensed) in combination with your own trademarks.

If you plan to market a PECCS®- based product or service to the public using a trademark that includes the element PECCS®, you are required to apply for and obtain a sublicense from EDHEC, regardless of whether you intend to register a trademark with the government.

Our trademarks applicable to these guidelines are as follows:

  • PECCS®

Trademark usage

You may do the following without receiving specific permission from Scientific Infra & Private Assets only in connection with your use of PECCS® under the open-source license:

  • Use EDHEC’s wordmarks as applicable in these guidelines in text to accurately and truthfully refer to or link to EDHEC products in reference to the PECCS® classification system;

  • Describe the PECCS® classification standard.

  • Use EDHEC’s wordmarks as applicable in these guidelines to state that your classifications are based on EDHEC’s open-source PECCS® Classification Standard.

PECCS® should never be used as a verb or a noun. It should be used as an adjective followed by the generic name/noun. For example, “the PECCS® classification standard.” The Trademarks should be used in a form that distinguishes them from the text around them, such as by bold or italic fonts, and be attributed as detailed in section C below after the first usage.

Attribution of trademarks and PECCS usage under the CC license

When you use the PECCS® standard under the Creative Commons license grant, you must attribute EDHEC as the creator of the PECCS® classification standards as follows: “PECCS® by Association EDHEC Business School Singapore Branch is licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0”. A link to the PECCS® website must be included, as well as a link to the CC license included here.

When using any EDHEC Trademarks, you shall include appropriate attribution of EDHEC’s ownership of its trademarks when you use them. Attribution shall be provided consistent with the following: “PECCS ® is a registered trademark of Association EDHEC Business School Singapore Branch”

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