1.1 Introduction
Index Objectives
The Scientific Infra and Private Assets Unlisted Equity Indices measure the market-value-weighted performance of unlisted infrastructure equity investments in infrastructure corporates and project companies in the global infrastructure market, as defined in the Unlisted Infrastructure Universe Standard.
Index Family
Infra300 Unlisted Equity Index: measures the performance of 300 unlisted infrastructure equity investments in both corporates and project companies. It tracks the TICCS® segments of the investable universe.
Infra100 Unlisted Equity Indices: measure the performance of the largest 100 companies in the respective segments of the global infrastructure market.
infraMetrics® Broad Market Unlisted Equity Index: measures the performance of unlisted infrastructure equity investments in both corporates and project companies in the global infrastructure market.
infraMetrics® Broad Market Unlisted Project Finance Equity Index: measures only the performance of project companies within the unlisted infrastructure equity investments of the global infrastructure market.
infraMetrics® Advanced Economies Broad Market Unlisted Equity Index: measures the performance of unlisted infrastructure equity investments in infrastructure corporates and project companies in advanced economies, as defined in the Unlisted Infrastructure Universe Standard.
Other weighting schemes are also available, including an equally weighted index and a maximum cap on index weights.
The infraMetrics® Unlisted Infrastructure Equity Index also has sub-indices following the TICCS® segmentation of the universe, including by major business models and industrial activities as depicted in the table below.
Table: Broadmarket Unlisted Equity Index Family*

Note: *Industrial and business risk classes are described in the TICCS® taxonomy. Factor styles are defined as quantiles of factor exposures: 'Size', 'Profitability', 'Leverage' and 'Investment' - see asset pricing methodology for definitions.
Supporting Documents
This methodology can be supplemented by several documents providing details with respect to the definition of the universe and its constituents, and the treatment and validation of the data and calculations described below. These documents include:
This methodology was created by Scientific Infra and Private Assets to measure the performance with respect to the reference universe defined for this index family. Any changes to, or adjustments of, this methodology are made at the sole judgment and discretion of Scientific Infra and Private Assets so that the indices continue to achieve their objective.