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Description: Perform a comparable computation for private equity. This involves finding datapoints which have similar PECCS classifications and factor values (the comparables dataset) and averaging the metric values.

Method: POST

Path: /compute-service/v2/pe-comparables/average/by/profiles


  • metric (string, required):
    The metric for which the comparable has to be evaluated. Options include: "priceToSales", "priceToEbitda", "priceToBook", "priceToEarnings", "evToSales", "evToEbitda", "totalReturns", "ebitdaToSales", "ebitToSales", "netIncomeToSales", "netDebtToAssets", "revenueGrowth", "dividendOverRevenue", "returnOnAssets", "returnOnEquity", "returnOnCapitalEmployed", "netOperatingIncome", "netDebtToEquity".

  • currency (string, optional):
    The currency of monetary factor inputs, such as size. Possible values include 'USD', 'EUR', 'GBP'.

  • age (int, optional):
    The age of the company in months. The comparable computation will keep companies within 6 months of this value. If age is set, endDate and windowInYears will be ignored.

  • startDate (string, date format, required):
    The starting date for the comparable dataset.

  • endDate (string, date format, required):
    The maximum date of the comparable dataset.

  • windowInYears (int, optional):
    The window in years of the comparable dataset. The minimum date of the dataset is calculated as endDate - windowInYears.

  • peccsCountryProfile (object, optional):
    Specifies the PECCS profile based on various attributes:

    • industrialActivities (array of strings):
      Comma-separated list of industrial activity PECCS codes. Possible values include "AC01", "AC02", etc.

    • revenueModel (array of strings):
      Comma-separated list of revenue model PECCS codes. Possible values include "RM01", "RM02", etc.

    • customerModel (array of strings):
      Comma-separated list of customer model PECCS codes. Possible values include "CM01", "CM02", etc.

    • lifecycleModel (array of strings):
      Comma-separated list of lifecycle phase PECCS codes. Possible values include "LP01", "LP02", etc.

    • valueChainType (array of strings):
      Comma-separated list of value chain type PECCS codes. Possible values include "VC01", "VC02", etc.

    • countries (array of strings):
      Range of countries as three-letter ISO codes. Possible values can be obtained by calling countries.

  • factorsProfiles (array of objects, optional):
    Specifies profiles based on various financial factors:

    • factorName (string, required):
      Name of the factor. Possible values include "Size", "Growth", "Profits", "Leverage", "TermSpread".

    • quintile (int, optional):
      Quintile value for the factor, ranging from 1 to 5.

    • countries (array of strings, optional):
      Range of countries as three-letter ISO codes, applicable for "TermSpread" factor.

  • universe (string, optional):
    Specifies the market universe. Possible values are "PEU" for private equity universe and "MIU" for market index universe.

  • factorWeight (float, optional):
    A decimal value between 0 and 1. At the extremes, 1 indicates that comparables are purely based on factors, while 0 indicates that comparables are purely based on PECCS. Values between 0 and 1 create a weighted average between the two.

  • operation (string, optional):
    Determines how to aggregate the comparables dataset. Default is "mean". Other options include "mean", "median", "datumCount", "companyCount", "p25", "p75", "min", "max", "vol", "var97_5", "var99". Note: "vol", "var97_5", and "var99" are only applicable for the "totalReturns" metric.

  • intersect_peccs (boolean, optional):
    Indicates whether to intersect or union the PECCS filters in the calculation. Default is true.

Request Body

    "metric": "PriceToSales",
    "startDate": "2022-07-31",
    "endDate": "2024-07-31",
    "age": null,
    "peccsCountryProfile": {
        "industrialActivities": [
        "revenueModel": [
        "customerModel": [
        "lifecycleModel": [
        "valueChainType": [
        "countries": [
    "factorsProfiles": [
            "factorName": "Size",
            "quintile": 1
            "factorName": "Growth",
            "quintile": 1
            "factorName": "Profits",
            "quintile": 1
            "factorName": "Leverage",
            "quintile": 1
            "factorName": "TermSpread",
            "countries": [
    "universe": "PEU",
    "factorWeight": "1",
    "operation": "mean"



    "data": {
        "results": 2.0672512633844677
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