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Description: Returns the composite mean and median value of the requested metric based on the TICCS and FACTORS profile, along with the corresponding datum count and company count.

Method: POST

Path: /compute-service/v2/pi-comparables/average/by/profiles


  • metric: (string, required)
    The metric for which the comparable has to be evaluated. Possible values include: "ev2ebitda", "irr", "p2b", "p2sales", "premia", "wacc", "revenue_growth".

  • currency: (string, optional)
    The currency of monetary factor inputs such as size. Possible values include: 'USD', 'EUR', 'GBP'.

  • age: (int, optional)
    The age of the company in months. The comparable computation will keep companies within 6 months of this value. If age is set, endDate and windowInYears will be ignored.

  • startDate: (string, date format, required)
    The starting date for the comparable dataset.

  • endDate: (string, date format, required)
    The maximum date of the comparable dataset.

  • windowInYears: (int, optional)
    The window in years of the comparable dataset. The minimum date of the dataset is calculated as endDate - windowInYears.

  • ticcsProfiles: (array of objects, optional)
    Specifies profiles based on TICCS codes.

    • industrialActivities: (array of strings, optional)
      List of industrial activity TICCS codes. Possible values include: "IC10", "IC20", "IC30", etc.

    • businessModel: (string, optional)
      Business risk TICCS code. Possible values include: "BR1", "BR2", "BR3".

    • corporateStructure: (string, optional)
      Corporate structure TICCS code. Possible values include: "CS1", "CS2".

  • factorsProfiles: (array of objects, optional)
    Specifies profiles based on various financial factors.

    • factor: (string, required)
      Name of the factor. Possible values include: "countries", "size", "leverage", "profitability", "investment", "timeToMaturity".

    • countries: (array of strings, optional)
      List of country ISO codes, applicable if the factor is "countries". Values can be obtained by calling countries.

    • quintile: (int, optional)
      Quintile for factors like size, leverage, profitability, or investment. Acceptable values are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

    • currency: (int, optional)
      ISO currency code, applicable if the factor is "size".

    • timeToMaturityBucket: (string, optional)
      Bucket for years until maturity, applicable if the factor is "timeToMaturity". Possible values representation in years:

      • "T1": 0-5

      • "T2": 5-10

      • "T3": 10-15

      • "T4": 15-20

      • "T5": 20+

  • type: (string, optional)
    Specifies how to aggregate the comparables dataset. Default is "mean".

    • Other options include: "mean", "median", "obs_count", "company_count", "p25", "p75", "min", "max".
      Note: p25 and p75 represent the 25th and 75th percentiles, respectively.

Request Body

    "metric": "ev2ebitda",
    "startDate": "2022-07-31",
    "endDate": "2024-07-31",
    "age": null,
    "ticcsProfiles": [
            "profile": {
                "industrialActivities": [
            "profile": {
                "businessModel": "1"
            "profile": {
                "corporateStructure": "1"
    "factorsProfiles": [
            "profile": {
                "factor": "countries",
                "countries": [
            "profile": {
                "factor": "size",
                "quintile": 1,
                "currency": 840
            "profile": {
                "factor": "leverage",
                "quintile": 1
            "profile": {
                "factor": "profitability",
                "quintile": 1
            "profile": {
                "factor": "investment",
                "quintile": 1
            "profile": {
                "factor": "timeToMaturity",
                "timeToMaturityBucket": "5-10"



    "data": {
        "results": {
            "mean": 14.98952036684318,
            "q1": 5.938549664124269,
            "median": 10.619352274120464,
            "q3": 16.859396636913413,
            "datumCount": 4641,
            "companyCount": 237,
            "min": 2.315806555748836,
            "max": 91.26980837453112

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