Description: Returns the metrics data for specified metrics and indexIds.
Method: POST
Path: /data-service/v2/queries/metrics
indexIds: (string, required)
The ticker(s) of the index or segment for which we want data. Refer to the index catalogue for available options.typeIds: (string, required)
The ticker(s) of the metric we want to query. Refer to the metric list for available options, market indices and benchmarks.valueDates: (string, optional)
Specifies the date(s) of the records to retrieve. Accepted values include specific dates or"latest"
for the most recent data.valueDateRange: (object, optional)
Specifies the range of dates for the records to retrieve.
Example:"valueDateRange": { "from": "2024-01-01", "to": "2024-10-01" }
includeMetadata: (boolean, optional)
To include metadata in the response. Default isfalse
The valueDateRange
and valueDates
fields should not be used together in the same request.
Request Body
"metrics": [
"valueDates": [
"indexIds": [
"typeIds": [
"includeMetadata": true
"data": {
"results": [
"metrics": [
"indexId": "INFRBBBC",
"values": [
"typeId": "T01414",
"valueDate": "2024-10-31",
"reportDate": "2024-10-31",
"value": 1765.5866885492933,
"unitId": 1,
"attributeUnitId": null,
"currencyId": 991
"asOfReportDate": "2024-10-31",
"asOfValueDate": "2024-10-31"
"metricsValueKeys": []
"metadata": {
"indexIds": [
"indexName": "Infra300® Debt, VW USD",
"externalTicker": "INFRBBBC",
"indexDescription": "The Infra300 Debt index represents the monthly performance of the most recent senior debt instruments issued by the constituents of the infra300® unlisted infrastructure equity index. As of 2024-10-31 the index had a total market capitalisation of USD 103.81 bn. Since inception, a total of 1460 individual instruments have been included in this index."
"typeIds": [
"description": "Index level reflecting the total returns compounded since inception",
"displayName": "Index Price",
"externalTicker": "T01414"