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1.8.1 Custom Benchmarks Table Template

This feature is designed to enable users to generate custom benchmarks and view their Index Levels and Total Returns along with sector-region wise allocations and Risk Profile values associated with a PECCS® Index OR Benchmark.

To generate these

  • Users can navigate to the Ribbon Bar and select the Custom Benchmarks menu item.

Fig 1. Custom Benchmarks menu Item on PrivateMetrics Ribbon Bar

Upon clicking the above option, two new sheets are created

  • CB Template - YYYY-MM-DD – A table template for the user to fill in the values to calculate Custom Benchmarks. This sheet is activated by default.

  • CB PECCS® - YYYY-MM-DD - List of all PECCS Pillars and geographies (regions, sub-regions, and countries) for user reference
    If the user clicks the Custom Benchmarks option again, the above sheets will be created again with numbers appended to them in order (1), (2), and so on. If the sheet “CB PECCS® - YYYY-MM-DD” already exists, it won’t be created again.

  • In the newly created sheet, a table template is provided where users can input these values

    • Index Ticker – The Index/Benchmarks ticker against which Custom Benchmarks need to be calculated. (Refer to the provided documentation for a comprehensive list of available tickers.)

      • If not provided, a #VALUE! will be thrown with the error message Invalid Ticker. This is the minimum value needed to calculate the custom Benchmarks

    • Start Date – Optional. But the backend checks do not accept values earlier than 2013-30-06 and #VALUE! will be thrown with the error message Value error, Start date cannot be earlier than 2013-06-30.

    • End Date – Optional. This cannot be earlier than the start date. Else, a #VALUE! will be thrown with the error message End date earlier than the start date.

    • Currency Code – Optional. Needs to be a valid currency. If not, a #VALUE! will be thrown with the error message Invalid Currency. However, the backend only accepts 4 currencies (GBP, EUR, USD, and LCU) and #VALUE! will be thrown with the error message Value error, Currency code must be one of these: USD, EUR, GBP, LCU.This check is only done at the backend. Please note that LCL is not supported as a currency.

    • Initial Index Level - A fixed reference value for the index, used to measure performance over time. This can only be a positive number. If not, a #VALUE! will be thrown with the error message Index Level must be greater than 0.

    • Table Values – Users can use this table to pass constraints.

      • A minimum of one constraint is needed if it is being included for computation. Else #VALUE! will be thrown with the error message Wrong or empty pillar in row <row number>.

      • Either equality or bounds constraints need to be provided.

        • Both equality and bounds cannot be provided. Else #VALUE! will be thrown with the error message Invalid data in row <row_number>: Please fill either "Equality" or "Bounds" column(s).

        • These constraints need to be a number between 0 and 1. Else #VALUE! will be thrown with the error message The constraints must be a number between 0 and 1.

        • Please note that if only the lower bound is given as a constraint, the upper bound defaults to 1, and if only the upper bound is given as a constraint, the lower bound defaults to 0. This is done at the backend level.

        • Specifying OR Values:

          • Input multiple PECCS Values separated by commas within a single cell under the PECCS Value column.

        • Specifying AND Values:

          • Input each PECCS Value in separate rows under the PECCS Value column.

        • Equality or Range Conditions:

          1. Each row must specify either an Equality Value or a Lower Bound OR Upper Bound condition.

          2. For Equality, the ratio should be entered in the Equality column.

          3. For Lower Bound and Upper Bound, the ratios must be provided in the Lower Bound and Upper Bound columns.

        • Starting Dates: The dates from which the user wants the constraint to be applied.

          Fig 2. Sample Table to generate Custom Benchmarks

          1. The next sheet displays a list of supported Geographies for PECCS and the corresponding PECCS Taxonomies.

Fig 3. PECCS Taxonomies and Geographies

  • Once the user has specified all the required values, they can proceed to generate the Index Levels using the Custom Benchmarks custom function. Please refer to this section on how to use the custom function.

For users' ease, a custom function signature is already placed just below the table and they can go ahead with filling in the input values and the constraints along with dates to compute the custom benchmarks

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